Day 2 - October 8, 2023

(This post was actually written yesterday.)

After banging my head for a couple hours wondering why this blog post wouldn’t render it randomly decided to render at 6:00pm mdt. I then created a new blog post for day3 with the date 2023-10-09 and that wouldnt render. I switched it back to 2023-10-08 and then day 3 decided to render! After tweaking around a little bit I discoverd that pages with a future will not render! Unless the --buildFuture tag is added. This aligns with 6:00pm mdt being equivelent to 12:00am utc which is why day 2 decided to render!! I felt like Hugo was gaslightning me.

Day 1 - October 7, 2023

Today was a pretty good day. I met my group for my finance class and they seem like a pretty cool group of guys. We finished most of our slides today and all we have left is to record the video of our presentation. I haven’t played guitar in a few months but I’m planning on picking it up soon. Ayyyy